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Scientific Background

When subjected to electromagnetic energies, the special physical properties of water result in two different phenomena:

- Under certain conditions, water tends to get dispersed;

- Other specific conditions cause water to concentrate.

Procedures for quantum-physical displacement based on the first phenomenon are being used extremely effectively in thousands of cases to dry up walls and foundations, especially of old buildings.

The second phenomenon, i.e. the concentration of water, occurs in underground water veins that are created by cosmic Alfvén waves which constantly influence the Earth. These veins form a hierarchical and globally interlinked network with a perennial water supply. Due to the combination of high pressure and ultra high resonant oscillations within the veins, water is able to pass through all kinds of material including hard rock and granite very easily. In fact, water veins are located exclusively in a variety of harder strata, not at all in sand, clay or soil of any kind.

A large percentage of Water Veins are located in a depth between 100 and 250 meters below the surface. However, their depth and direction of flow vary, sometimes rather dramatically. The pressure within the veins isolates the water within them from surrounding water and prevents it from mixing with local ground water which may or may not be present. This means that the water in the veins is always potable even if surrounded by contaminated or saline water. It also means that tapping into this source does not lower the ground water level, but may well raise it, if it is used for local irrigation.

With the methodology of QW we can exactly determine at which point the vein can be accessed and where it would not be possible or viable to do so.

The water system has very high energy levels which are created and sustained by their unique physical conditions. Due to these energy levels and the fact that each vein is part of a global network of water veins within a particular system, each one of them is a never ending source of water, irrespective of the rain or ground water situation.

On the subject of the source of the water within these veins, in some systems the water as being replenished from oceans and others draw it from deeper layers of the earth. One additional theory postulates that the water of some veins stems from cosmos and replaces the water which disappears from Earth through the atmosphere.

Water from water veins is especially recommended for use as drinking water because of some extraordinarily qualities that are a result of the high pressure that the water is subjected to within the vein. This high pressure forces a change in the inner structure of the water molecules which in turn results in an unusually high inflow of energy benefitting those who drink it regularly.