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The common process of searching for water includes hugely expensive geological and hydrological surveys, which must be paid for irrespective whether water sources will be indicated or not. After that a large number of bore well drillings needs to be undertaken; often with a high failure rate. If water is then actually being found massive expenses will then occur for creating and maintaining the often massive infrastructure required for transportation the water from the source to the actual points of use. Finally, since the water table is lowering rapidly, there is no guarantee that the bore well will be functional, even a few months from the day it is commissioned.

Our proprietary technology leads to huge savings due to the following factors and advantages:

- We conduct the surveys remotely with our proprietary technology and within a fraction of the time compared to all other scientific survey available for large areas.

- Due to the precision of the survey, we pin point the exact spot where the vein can be accessed with certainty; hence otherwise common large percentages of unsuccessful drillings will not take place;

- As the tapped water vein is perennial, there will be no need for additional drillings at a later stage due to dried up bore wells;

- Subsequent costs for transportation of the water to distant points of actual use will be reduced dramatically due to our capacity to locate water as close to the actual point of use as possible.

This means that our proprietary technology does not only result in tremendous time and monetary savings as we guarantee perennial, potable water, close to the actual points-of-use; it also means that we are capable too locate a nearly unused, additional water source altogether – water veins.